Our February class @BeCentral
This week 20 passionate individuals from different employers embarked on their Switchfully journey to become full-stack Java developers. During the ...
Graduation day Java Academy 2 at CM!
For the second time we partnered with CM to organize the Java academy. Another 15 highly motivated individuals will join ...
Graduation day Java@FIN!
After 4 months of hard work and a lot of fun, 16 motivated individuals are ready to take their first ...
java-at-fin On september 2, a new Switchfully class starts at FPS Finances! 16 newly attracted employees start ...
Java Academy@CM
September 2, we launched the second edition of the Java Academy at CM. 15 highly motivated individuals started the Switchfully ...
Switchfully is hiring a trainer-developer
Switchfully, een interne venture van Cegeka die mensen met IT potentieel – maar daarom geen IT-ervaring – zoekt, selecteert, opleidt ...